Sudan: Ban Ki-moon calls for more efforts

By on July 21, 2010

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls on parties in Darfur to make more serious efforts to end the conflict in this region of Sudan.  He said that despite the laudable efforts of the joint mediation of the African Union and United Nations,

since the peace agreement on Darfur in 2006, attempts to enlist the support of a greater number of parties in a negotiated peace process remains unsuccessful due to fragmentation of the armed movements of Darfur and the continuing military operations on the ground.
The Secretary-General welcomes the willingness of the Sudanese government and the Liberation Movement and Justice (LJM) to negotiate a comprehensive agreement with the participation of the civil society; but the withdrawal, from the peace talks in Doha, of the Movement for Justice and Equality, has compromised the resolution of the conflict. “Without a comprehensive and inclusive peace agreement in Darfur, there is a risk of going back to instability in Sudan“. “I therefore urge the Sudanese government and the Movement of Justice and Equality to stop immediately their military confrontation and commit to the peace process”.

Mr. Ban Ki-moon also called the Sudan Liberation Army faction (SLA), of Abdul Wahid, to participate in the negotiations.

He also renewed his call on all Member States of influence on the parties to meet and encourage them to agree on a final political settlement of the crisis.

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