Burkina Faso: The controversial nomination

By on August 24, 2010
If the official investiture of the candidate Blaise Compaoré is expected with great pomp on August 21, 2010 in Ouagadougou with the support of fifty political parties and voluntary organisations;

the opposition, by the voice of its representatives have called for a general mobilisation to block the road to this event.
According to the ruling party, the nomination of their candidate is intended as a milestone for the PSC and a renewal of the confidence placed in him.   35 political parties have merged in the MPA and have decided to join their efforts to support the candidate Blaise Compaoré.
While the president of the National Union for Democracy and Development (UNDD-opposition), Mr. Hermann Yameogo is voicing that it is not fair to “gargle” that stability of Burkina and the elections have always been, for 20 years, paramount and well kept. “It’s good, but it is not enough because economic and social problems do exist and call for major reforms. The goal being to keep what is positive and replace what is bad and unfit. A single political party or one man cannot do that.
The opposition parties call on the active forces of the country to convene, as soon as possible, for a democratic and consensual overhaul of the nation foundation. They also send a warning, if the government persists up to a deletion of the Article 37 of the Basic Law on the presidential term limits, it would be the “fatal mistake” of the outgoing President Blaise Compaoré.


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