Guinea-Bissau: A special unit against drug traffickers

By on October 7, 2010

Guinea-Bissau has created a special unit to fight against drug trafficking, with the support of Portugal, the United States and the European Union.

But the new structure needs external support to develop the operative means to be effective and reliable, especially in the telecommunications sector, given the complexity of the “Bijagos” archipelago consisting of 88 islands and considered as the main centre of drug trafficking. The responsibility devoted to the special unit for drug trafficking, should be supplemented by other measures to restructure the legal system through institutional reforms of the broader defence sector and security. According to the African Union envoy, Guinea-Bissau must urgently rebuild its prison system. All prisons have been destroyed and all prisoners were released during the 1998 to 1999 conflict, he added. The same observation applies to courts, which currently do not own any facilities or working conditions. The country will need material support, technically and financially from the entire international community. In this regard, the example of Angola, which recently announced to support a package of 30 million Euros and a military-technical mission to help implement the recommended reforms.

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