Guinea: The expected results in 5 days

By on November 9, 2010
The national electoral commission announced that it will take five days to know the outcome of the second round, which finally took place after weeks of political and ethnic tensions.

The law requires the announcement of provisional results within 72 hours, and a senior election commission member, Fuma Kourouma, said that the deployment of UN helicopters could help accelerate the collection of the ballot boxes; otherwise that deadline may slip as there are already delays in transporting results from some rural polling stations. It might take some five days to transport them to Conakry. Some 4.2 million voters were asked to choose between two candidates, Cellou Dalein Diallo, several times minister and Prime Minister under General Lansana Conté and long-time opposition leader to all regimes, Alpha Condé, who spent two years in prison. The atmosphere prevailing in Conakry is of cautious optimism, and the election observers with the African Union, the Carter Center, and the European Union have reported high turnout participation and only minor logistical problems. Voters are awaiting the results of a presidential election that is meant to end nearly two years of military rule.  Carter Center vice president for peace programs John Stremlau said it is largely up to Diallo and Condé to determine what happens when final results are announced. He added: be generous in victory, magnanimous in defeat, put the country ahead of your own interests, and remember that future generations will look to this moment in Guinea’s history.

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