Separatists attempt ironically to politicize the trial of the 24 detainees charged with vandalism and murder in Gdim Izik

By on February 1, 2013

Separatist movement Polisario is doing its best to politicize the trial of the 24 detainees charged with vandalism and murder during the dismantled camp near Laayoune Gdim Izik in October 2010. And the trial is expected to take place in Rabat at the Military court today the first February.

The dismantlement of the Gdeim Izik camp and the posterior protests resulted in 11 deaths and 159 wounded among the security forces and 2 civilian deaths among protesters.

And despite of the fact that Moroccan forces were cautious to the use force, lurking separatists have intentionally succeeded to make serious damages to public and private properties within the city of Laayoune

From this standpoint, several experts find it very usual, that persons involved in acts of violence should be brought to justice, despite the ongoing discussion about whether the accused must be brought either civil courts or military courts.

According to several reports came to match the fact-finding parliamentary commission on the events that have lately occurred in the Gdeim Izik camp and Laayoune.

The peaceful and legitimate demands of Laayoune’s population were exploited by separatists associated to Algeria and Polisario movement who were planned to Infiltrate the inhabitant’s gatherings, and control the management of those social protests in the hope to divert the facts, and implicate people in artificial clashes with forces in charge of civil security.

Back to the real facts of what has happened in November 2010, several international reports underlined clearly that the tents which were pitched by some of Laayoune’s inhabitants as a sign of peaceful protest had a purely social nature.

The focus of the media campaign for the Polisario on the illegality of the trial, in an attempt to link ironically the relationship between the trial and the human rights file that separatists endeavor to use it against Morocco.

But international Law experts have a different opinion. They confirmed strongly that Morocco has a broad right to protect his subjects and to ensure the respect for laws in force within its sovereign territory. Professor Matsumoto Shoji – Expert and professor of African comparative law- affirmed that the legal status of the territory of Western Sahara has been fundamentally changed by the Madrid Accord from suspension in the Western Sahara Opinion to the original situation when it was colonized by Spain in 1884. And consequently, Morocco is legally right to apply law enforcements of all rules   approved by the nation.

He added that International community should warn Polisario to immediately withhold that kind of illicit acts, not to disturb ongoing efforts for regional security, instead, to conduct themselves appropriately as a negotiating party under the umbrella of the UN.

Propaganda campaigns sponsored by Algeria are attempting once again to craft from the trial a political news story, but this may not be victorious this time, after the scandal of   that   international public opinion is still identifying as the dirtiest the media scandal in the last three decades.

It was in November 2010, when the Spanish official news agency “EFE” has published a photo of hospitalized children with head injuries, which was later circulated by major Spanish newspapers, claiming that they were “victims of Morocco’s repression” in Western Sahara, while, in reality, the picture was of children of Gaza, who were victims of the Israeli aggression in 2006.

In a very comfortably humor comment, the reporter Ahmed.H, says: we hope that does pro-separatist press will not take photographs of worshipers for Friday prayers and displayed as protests against the trial.

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