UN holds emergency meeting on Jerusalem

By on October 28, 2014

Israeli and Palestinian diplomats exchanged heated arguments over the status of Israeli-occupied east Jerusalem at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

The emergency meeting followed an unannounced visit to a Muslim holy site in east Jerusalem, known as the Old City, by the right-wing Israeli mayor of the city on Tuesday.

Palestinian UN Ambassador Riyad Mansour said he does not recognize what he called Israel’s illegal occupation of the Old City. He said Israel’s provocative actions in the holy site would ruffle religious sensitivities of Palestinians. He added the incident could trigger a new cycle of violence.

Israel’s UN Ambassador Ron Prosor reiterated that the whole Jerusalem will always be its capital.

Prosor held a copy of the Old Testament and said Jerusalem has historically been a Jewish city. He said the holy book’s description of this situation dates back 4,000 years.

The Muslim holy site in East Jerusalem is called Haram al-Sharif, and is also known as the Temple Mount. The area is administered by Muslims. Non-Muslims are not allowed to pray there.

Heightened tensions at the site have led to numerous clashes between Israel and Palestinians in the past.

Other members of the Security Council expressed strong concern that the mayor’s visit could set off a new clash, following this summer’s violence in Gaza. They urged both sides to do their best to exercise self-restraint.

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