Africa/China: The shifting influence

By on March 12, 2010

The Great Lakes region, Rwanda, Burundi, democratic republic of Congo (DRC), and others African countries are targeted by the Asian orientation. The French, Americans, and other powers want to limit the intrusion of China who eyes all African resources. For example, Darfur is basically a question of oil and agricultural land, and to take rid of its tribal populations and move them out, we just revive the ethnic and religious enmities to trigger wars and conflicts.

From Darfur, we can go West to Chad, to south of Egypt or to Central Africa. With this position, China has reached almost for the first time, a sort of monopoly control, used to be in an immediate past, reserved for the United States – this is to say a control of oil sources from wells to refining industry. China is now by the gates of Europe and threatens the U.S interests in the Middle East. The Sudan is not far from the Suez Canal, which is unacceptable to Washington. This situation then might be a premise to the first Chinese-American War based on an economic race, and in full opposition of recent past armament race with the former soviet bloc.


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