Sahel/Security: the flop face – Fears, Reaction and Influence

By on March 19, 2010
The risk of transforming the Sahel region in instability and a sanctuary for jihadists may lead to Western intervention under the guise of combating terrorism.    Reaching this conclusion has created the need for a summit by the Sahel foreign ministers in Algiers.

That was the flop face of the game, in response to the statement by Spanish Secretary of State for Security, Antonio Camacho, advocating “the need of European Security policy in the Sahel”. Moreover, he added that “Spain does not only advocate for a combating strategy against terrorism, but also the establishment of an investment policy that would assess more control in these areas that are sometimes not well ruled by their own government”.
Hence the major concerns and wonders of Algiers to see its stateless children, lost in northern Mali, Niger and other counties, forced to return back to the country. Fears of Algiers are even more justified for a country that has 3700 km of land borders with four Sahelian neighbors, and where a prosperous and successful trade of all kinds, legal as illegal, may flop down and extinguish
That is why Algiers is pledging more substantial economic and military aid, especially since Western countries had offered their services to combat terrorism, like the AFRICOM or other proposals…
In balancing the two offers (Algerian package vs Western Package), anyone can imagine where the decisional flow might balance, because of trust and truth lack…  
Somewhere, deception voices are hammering that most of Europeans, beginning with the French, would of course take advantage of the vulnerability of Sahelian countries, including some, like Niger, already immersed in humanitarian crises and food for incrustation

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