The new business of AQIM

By on March 24, 2010
There is no prohibition for Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) to take advantage of new African routes of cocaine to diversify its income. That is the assessment made by experts and by Antonio Maria Costa, director of the UN Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

This implication is obvious. Any kind of illegal traffic is growing up in this area under influence of the organization, and therefore, a levy of tax on goods is more than legitimised. Al Qaeda has opted for a new business, now vital to its finances.
Some events are going in this direction such as the ambush by the Mauritanian security forces had with an armed group, near the border with Mali. It turned out to be a delivery of drugs, and the escort was provided by Islamists. There was also the crash of the Boeing 727 near Gao, with a fret of ten tons of cocaine burned in the crash fire.
Obviously, other traffics have occurred before the crash, and turned the Sahara in a cocaine Highway starting from South America, via West Africa and back up to Europe via the Sahel. Now, the old roads of salt traders, have now become “zone of influence” of Al Qaeda, where temporary alliances are formed between different groups around a lucrative new business – Cocaine, Organized Crime, Illicit Trade…

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