Somalia: Two decades and a half million dead

By on March 29, 2010
The President of the transitional fragile Somali government, backed by the international community has met the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the Summit of Heads of State of the Arab League, at Sirte in Libya in which he called for greater UN involvement in the peace process.

The Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs reported that “the President asked Saturday the U.N organisation to increase its influence in Somalia for peace and security, and contribute to the return of stability in the Horn of Africa, ravaged by war.  
Another meeting took place between Turkish Prime Minister and President of Somalia, who assured the latter of Turkish support and similarity of view on issues discussed by the two leaders.
Somalia has been without effective central government for over two decades during which more than half a million people, mostly civilians, were killed in the conflict which has devastated the country of the Horn of Africa.

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