Ivory Coast: The dangerous game of Gbagbo and Soro

By on April 8, 2010
he Head of State Laurent Gbagbo and the Secretary General of the FN (Forces Nouvelles), Guillaume Soro, play “hide and seek” in the implementation of the Ouagadougou Political Agreement they deliberately signed in the Burkinabé capital on March 4, 2007 . It’s the least we can say about the unfolding drama concerning the conduct of the peace process in Côte d’Ivoire.

On the crucial issue of disarming former combatants, the two men are waging a fresh and joyful war, giving the impression that they agree on everything. Yet everything seems to be distancing them. The head of the Ivorian government says that disarmament has never been the head of state’s condition, prior to the election. He is simply a hostage of some Ivorian Popular Front leaders (FPI party in power), who never agreed on Guillaume Soro to be prime minister. I do believe, as far as the president has not mentioned the matter of disarmament, a such issue has not be asked”, said Guillaume Soro; who promised ,the presidential camp, to ensure that no voter will be prevented from voting on election day.
For the head of state, it seems like managing his prime minister, but when he is exasperated by certain attitudes of ex-rebels, he drops his “Warriors” on “Ex-rebels” to secure the disarmament of former combatants before the presidential election.
In light of various pieces of the “chess game” developed by Gbagbo and Soro, it is no exaggeration to say that the “two partners” of the “Ouagadougou political Accords” are playing a dangerous scenario which might be lost by one or the other, or even both…

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