Madagascar: Failed negotiations in Pretoria

By on May 3, 2010
The Madagascar crisis’s actors have not reached any expected agreement. After his return, Saturday May 1, from South Africa, the Malagasy number one, Rajoelina, has announced his intention to meet the army and be within 48 hours of a new government.

Rajoelina states that “Pretoria is a failure.” He blames the failure of other spheres of influence, and on those who still insist on Maputo and Addis Ababa agreements. For him, the priority is no more for sharing seats, but rather how to exit the country out of the crisis.
On Monday, he will meet with military officials. This meeting comes after the ultimatum, set by this forum last March, to the President of the High Authority of transition to find a solution. Then he will present the roadmap to access the Fourth Republic. Thus another government will be established and will be responsible for organising the entire election process for the advent of the Fourth Republic.

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