Madagascar: After the A.U, the E.U support suspended

By on May 5, 2010
Budgetary support for Madagascar has been suspended for 12 months by the European Union (EU), which accuses the Malagasy High Authority Transition of violating the Cotonou Agreement. Amendments and changes to current contracts remain to be examined on case by case basis. The new contracts are suspended; the emergency humanitarian aid is not affected.

The transfer of power to Rajoelina that occurred in Madagascar March 17, 2009, is considered by the E.U as a flagrant violation of the essential elements of the Cotonou Agreement.
Rajoelina has not made efforts to implement the Agreements of Maputo and the Additional Act of Addis Ababa which hold a 15-month transition after which elections will occur. The continuity of cooperation between the EU and Madagascar will be discussed, during the European Day celebration, by the commission representative in the country next May 9.

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