Ethiopia: The opposition denounces frauds during the ballot

By on May 24, 2010
About 32 million voters were called to ballot boxes on Sunday, May 23rd for general election. The authorities made a commitment to organise “a free, just and transparent ballot “, but the opposition is contesting.

It multiplies the complaints on the irregularities, speaks about ballot boxes stuffing, about absence of privacy, and pressure exercised on the voters, in several regions of the country. Their observers were denied access to the polling stations.
The opponents are denouncing all these irregularities, and complaints are going to be passed on to the electoral national office. The mission of observation of the European Union has already received some of the complaints, into which it tells to investigate.
The results of the 43 000 polling stations will begin to be registered. They will then be centralised, and the definitive results will be announced only on June 21st. That is why the opponents already speak about a first certainty, that of the re-election of the actual regime, and the second is that the power in position has won, for the moment, the bid – The ballot took place without any form of violence, and with a very strong rate of participation, bordering the 70 % of about the 32 million registered voters.

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