Niger: Resumption of the economic cooperation with the U.E in sight

By on May 26, 2010
The delegation of Niger went through the big oral exam on Tuesday, May 25th in front of the European Union Council, in Brussels. The objective is to rehabilitation of the economic cooperation with Europe and apparently the delegation has «put the package «to show their willingness to their E.U partners.

Brussels had announced that the good intentions, alone, will not be enough, it will be necessary to present firm commitments. The authorities of Niger already have in their asset several decisions appreciated by their partners: the power will be handed back to the civilians in March, 2011. The junta had appointed all personalities to the heads of the transition organs consensually.
In a few days, the electoral code was elaborated, modified by the Advisory board then validated by the junta. At the same time, the president of the independent national electoral Committee (CENI) was appointed by the supreme Council of restoration of democracy (CSRD) on proposition of the political parties.
So many positive decisions and righteous actions will boost the electoral calendar and limit the transition period to 12 months. It is thus in this context that the European Commission had to pronounce “for or against” a resumption of the cooperation with Niamey.
Niger has henceforth active support of the African Union (UA) and the ECOWAS representation in Brussels.

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