Burkina Faso: End of the combined military exercise FLINTLOCK 10

By on May 27, 2010
The multinational military exercise, Flintlock 2010, ended in highlight on May 22nd, 2010 in the military camp of Kamboinsé, where was based the multinational center of coordination (MCC) in the presence of general William E. Ward, commanding officer of the AFRICOM, the officials and the participants of the member countries of the Trans-Saharan Partnership of Combating Terrorism (TSCTP).

General Ward had emphasized on the need to work together. “If the operation is finished, he declared, the work has to continue”. But before him, Minister of Defense declared that Burkina sheltered the Flintlock exercise 2010, and that reflects the commitment of the country to create a secure space, because “no project of any society can be led to its term, if there were negative forces that can compromise it all the time “. He also insisted on a collective answer to face the insecurity in the sahélo-Saharan band, and made a wish that the multinational dialogue, engaged in Ouagadougou, will continue at the other levels. Such was the wish also of the American embassy representative in the Burkina who ended his comment insisting on collaboration and solidarity to face the danger.
The ceremony ended with marked military parade, executed by two hundred and fifty eight officers and non-commissioned officers.

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