Ivory Coast: it is necessary to go out of the impasse

By on May 28, 2010
«The events arisen in Ivory Coast did not serve to take out the country of its prolonged crisis “, have said mister Ban ki-Moon In a report published on Wednesday and handed to the Security Council, stating also that he is ” very disappointed by the rough disturbance of the electoral process last January and the violence which followed in February, and which constituted a “grave backhand” for the Ivory Coast peace process “.

“There is, at the moment, no alternative solution to the Ouagadougou agreements. The current impasses, in particular the question of the electoral fraud and the necessity of disarming completely and of reuniting the country, would not compromise or complicate the agreements, supposing that the political will is provided in this way “.
The implementation of all the diverse peace agreements have failed and are a source of a profound frustration for the Ivory Coast people, and «also have affected the patience of the international partners who invested considerable resources to help the country to find a sustainable peace and stability”.
«The Ivory Coast political leaders should put aside their narrow personal ambitions, and give the priority to the national interest and engage in a sincere dialogue, under the aegis of the Facilitator, to resolve their disputes “, Ban Ki-moon had stated. According to him, the establishment of the electoral roll is the absolute priority, and recommends that the mandate’s terms of the U.N Mission to be modified, and take into account the new realities.

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