Algeria: Kabylian autonomist movement creates government in exile in Paris

By on June 2, 2010
According to French agency AFP, Paris-based Kabylian Movement for Autonomy (MAK) announced yesterday the creation of a 10-members government in exile entitled “Gouvernement Provisoire Kabyle” (GPK), which includes two women.

Long-time Kabylian leader and popular singer Ferhat Mehenni has been appointed president of the government in exile, while Arezqi Boussaid has been appointed as minister in charge of interior of security. M. Mehenni asserted in a statement that Kabylian people are “ruled like foreigners in their own lands, like colonized people”.  M. Mehenni has been arrested many times in Algeria and is banned from returning to his country. Kabylians and Berbers of Algeria represent approximately 30% of the total population, and the Kabylia region has a long story of opposing the central government of Algiers. Riots known as the “berber spring” in 1980 and “black spring” of 2001 were the main reason for the creation of an autonomist movement.

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