Libya: US responsible for the attack on the Freedom flotilla

By on June 3, 2010
The Libyan leader, Mouammar Kadhafi, considered the United States as person in charge of the Israeli attack against the international flotilla, which made several casualties.

«The responsibility for this atrocious crime does not fall to the Israelis, but in the United States and to the poor American taxpayers who finance this colonial entity “, declared Mr. Kadhafi, quoted by the news agency Jana, in a letter sent to the American president, Barack Obama.
On Monday morning, the Israeli naval forces attacked the Freedom flotilla, killing at least nine persons and hurting tens of others. The commando squad also seized ships and prevented the fleet from reaching Gaza Strip.
” The warships which killed tens of civilians would not  have acted if they were not supported by the U.S 6th fleet “, he declared, making reference to the American naval forces based  in the Italian city of Gaeta and deployed in the Mediterranean Sea.
He also repeated his previous statement, calling on the world to abandon “the funny initiatives” to create two separate States. He underlined that the only situation to end the conflict is to establish a single democratic country for Palestinians and Israelis.

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