Cote d’Ivoire: does Laurent Gbagbo want to get rid of Soro?

By on June 24, 2010
Laurent Gbagbo, the Ivorian head of state, has ordered an investigation, for misappropriation of funds, on the Interior Minister Desire Tagro, and Prime Minister Guillaume Soro, Secretary General of the New Forces, Ivorian ex-rebels.

The state prosecutor Raymond Tchimou was seized by the Ivorian president who wishes to know whether the Minister of Interior has perceived “alone or with others, the sum of ten billion francs CFA (15,5 million Euros) that would have been paid as commission by Sagem Security.             
The French company has been in charge of identifying people for the achievement of the electoral rolls.
It is clear that “in his will to moralise the public life, president Gbagbo does not intend either to save or protect nobody”. But would not Désiré Tagro be a pawn to scarify for discrediting Guillaume Soro? For the Ivory Coast opposition press, this indirect allusion to the Prime Minister constitutes a nth attempt to push away the presidential ballot, supposed to end the political crisis undermining the Ivory Coast since the missed “Coup” in September 2002.
The critics of the Ivory Coast policy consider that “if Tagro falls (incriminated), Soro also will fall with him”. And if he is not any more a Prime Minister, that means the burying of the Political Agreement of Ouagadougou (APO). And if the APO is buried, then the electoral process will be postponed”. Probably, somewhere a curse has been thrown on, and the Public prosecutor has one month to deliver the results of his investigation.

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