Angola: Nestle expands its presence in Central Africa

By on September 8, 2010
nestle_The Swiss group Nestle will invest 25 million Swiss francs for the construction of a factory in Luanda. This project is part of a three-year plan amounted to 150 million USD with the eventual creation of 750 new jobs in the region. A region encompassing 20 countries: Angola, Burundi, Comoros, DRC, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Malawi, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania,

Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. According the Chairman of the Board, Paul Bulcke, the Nestlé Company intends “to explore business opportunities and promote its expansion in Central Africa, a region with 400 million inhabitants and an emerging middle class with a growing power of purchase. The plant to be located in Angola will increase its production capacity of local culinary products, milk, coffee and drinks in a country considered as “a particularly important market for Nestlé by its status as an emerging country. Nestle will sell products like Nido, Nesquik, Nescafe, Cérélac Nan, Maggi, Moça and other brands from its plants in Portugal and Brazil. The company officials however said that the company’s strategy is to encourage the exploitation of local raw materials: “To succeed, it is not enough to make profits for the shareholders but also to the society including farmers who are the main suppliers of raw materials, employees and consumers. The goal is a win- win partnership where the region will become a greater purveyor of a large part of our raw materials. That is one main factor in developing domestic economies.

The Equatorial African Region (EAR) is part of the Nestle group SA based in Vevey, Switzerland. It is the largest food company in the world, which produces a wide range of food and drink for both men and pets. In 2009, the EAR Nestle branch, which controls the activities of Nestlé in 20 countries since April 2008, has made 99 million dollars of turnovers.

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