Angola: Electricity, unlawful use

By on September 13, 2010
electricityEnergy trade, particularly electric power, is a high priority for the Angolan electricity supply Company in Luanda (EDEL). The company has registered 10 million dollars of losses, in one year, attributed to illegal connections and unpaid bills by the consumers. The EDEL General Director, Jose Manuel Francisco, said that this amount could be used to install 50 transformers and other equipments in several locations of the capital.

The company takes steps to curb these losses, including the installation of measuring devices, the introduction of new technology for payments and the establishment of distribution centres in nine districts of the Luanda province, to control energy consumption, but also disparities in energy resources and consumption providing a strong rationale for the integration of the sector and for the promotion of energy trade. In order to improve the situation of electricity in Angola, technical assistance will be provided to EDEL to establish a business model based on cost recovery, management information systems and better customer relations to improve financial viability.

Actually Luanda is equipped with 11 sub-stations for supplying electricity against only 3 in 2003. The company is projecting for 25 new stations to be installed before 2012 in order to cope with energy shortages in the capital. Today, of the nearly six million inhabitants of Luanda, only 200 000 are authorized customers provided by EDEL. They nearly represent one third of the 18.5 million Angolans. Less than 30% of the population of the city enjoys easy access, reliable and stable electricity.

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