RDC: Jean-Pierre Bemba will be judged by the ICC

By on October 21, 2010
Finally the Congolese senator, Jean-Pierre Bemba, formerly vice president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity for his alleged role in atrocities carried out in the neighbouring Central African Republic in 2002 and 2003.

His defence tried to get the trial thrown out of the International Crime Court (ICC), but in vain, because the Central African Republic investigation did not prohibit the ICC trial. Bangui had simply decided that the case should be referred to the ICC. Today, the case against Mr. Bemba is admissible and any obstacle to the trial, which for more than six months has been postponed for procedural matters, is now eliminated; thus the trial can continue. According to the court Mr Bemba will face two counts of crimes against humanity and three of war crimes. Now it remains to know when the trial takes place. Moreover, there is another request to process: one filed by victims of crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. These victims are calling for indicting Jean-Pierre Bemba also for his responsibility in these crimes. The ICC has since 2002 launched cases related to conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Uganda, and the Central African Republic.

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