NIGER: The New Constitution

By on October 28, 2010

October 31, the next Sunday, the Nigerians are asked to vote for the new Constitution which bears the hallmark of the junta in power since last February. But observers are wondering why the people of Niger do not show a particular enthusiasm for the referendum.

Why this indifference is due for? Probably, it is due to the political climate in Niger. This could also be due to the fact that the proposed new constitution by General Djibo and his men has a total unanimity within the people as it has been openly discussed and amended in an open democratic way. It is now submitted by referendum to the people of Niger. There could be another supposition that the Nigerians, especially the politicians, do not care too much of this referendum because it is probably of no major issues. They are quite eager to turn the page of this military period. Thus they are saving their strength to better deploy it in the upcoming elections. In fine, whatever the cause of this lack of enthusiasm is, the participation rate will be crucial. It will be a barometer as to the actual accession of Niger to the Constitution. Admittedly, there has been no large-scale campaign to defend or disapprove the new constitution proposed by the junta. But it is understood that the vote will be open and free. Hereafter, on the evening of October 31, it will be known if the new constitution has met or none the people of Niger aspiration. If ever this lack of enthusiasm is proved by a low turnout, then the message would be of high significance to the rulers.

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