Chad : Trial of former Chadian President Hissène Habré

By on May 31, 2016

France welcomes the conclusion of the trial in Senegal of former Chadian President Hissène Habré – a remarkable step forward in the fight against impunity.

This trial, which was conducted in an effective manner, with due respect for the rights of the defense and those of the victims, marks an important milestone for the international criminal justice system, especially in relation to Africa and its Extraordinary African Chambers. This is a prime example of how these courts can complement the essential work carried out by the International Criminal Court. France pays tribute to the role played by the African Union, to the personal commitment of President Macky Sall of Senegal and commends the very substantial support of the Chadian authorities for these courts.

We reaffirm our attachment to impartial justice and the fight against impunity everywhere. These are key to promoting human rights as well as helping to prevent conflicts and restoring peace in the countries affected by mass atrocities. France is fully mobilized to achieve these aims.

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