Security Council Chooses Antonio Guterres New UN Secretary General

By on October 9, 2016

Antonio Guterres, former Portuguese Prime Minister, has been elected by the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday as new UN Secretary General.

Gueterres, who served as head of the UN refugee agency for a decade, will take over from Ban Ki-moon, who served as UN chief for the past decade.

During a straw poll held on Wednesday morning in the UN headquarters in New York, the 15 members of the Security Council agreed to choose the former Portuguese official as new UN Secretary General.

The members of the Security Council had to cast their vote and choose between 10 candidates. They were asked to choose between a choice of “encourage, discourage or no opinion” for each candidate. Antonio Guterres received 13 “encourage” vote and two no “no opinion.”

“Today after our sixth straw poll we have a clear favorite and his name is António Guterres,” the Russian UN Permanent Representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, told reporters following the vote.

“We have decided to go to a formal vote tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock, and we hope it can be done by acclamation.”

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