COP22: King Mohammed VI Calls on Rich Countries to Honor Their Commitments

By on November 15, 2016

King Mohammed VI has called on the developed countries to fulfil their commitments and help developing countries, landlocked and small island countries cope with the effects of climate change.

 Speaking at the COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, King Mohammed VI urged all parties to work on translating their commitment to the values of justice and solidarity into concrete action.

“In the name of our shared destiny and in the name of our historic responsibility, I urge all parties to work on translating our commitment to the values of justice and solidarity into action,” the sovereign said in a speech delivered Tuesday at the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The King further underlined the importance of providing lesser developed countries in the south, as well as insular states, with urgent financial and technical support to enhance their capacities and enable them to adapt to climate change.

The monarch also added that advanced countries should honor their commitments and mobilize a minimum of $100 billion dollars by 2020, which was a key component of the Paris Agreement.

“We have proposed a set of initiatives as part of implementing the Paris Agreement, especially with respect to adaptation and financing,” the sovereign pointed out, adding that these include the initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA).

“The Paris Agreement is not an end in and of itself” and “the outcome of the Marrakesh conference will be a true test to gauge the efficiency of the commitments we have made, as well as the credibility of the parties that announced them,” HM the King noted.

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