COP22: King Mohammed VI Chairs the Opening ceremony the Summit with the presence of more than 70 Heads of State & Government

By on November 15, 2016

King Mohammed VI chaired the opening ceremony of the Summit of Heads of State and Government, on Tuesday in Marrakech, at the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22).

At the beginning of the ceremony, an institutional film entitled “A Sustainable Kingdom” was screened. It highlights Morocco’s efforts in terms of sustainable development, notably in the fields of tourism, fisheries, agriculture, management of water resources and renewable energies.

The ceremony was marked by a speech addressed by the Sovereign to the high-level segment of the COP22, in which he stated that this Conference constitutes a turning point in the process of the Paris Agreement.

 “Humanity is looking forward to decisions which will help save the future of life on earth, and calling for tangible initiatives and practical steps to preserve the rights of coming generations,” the Sovereign said.

“The time has come to redress the situation. We have no alternative but to work to make up for lost time, through continued, comprehensive mobilization and positive harmonization, so that the coming generations may lead an enjoyable and dignified life together,” the King underlined.

Holding this conference in Africa “is an incentive for us to give priority to tackling the adverse repercussions of climate change, which are growing worse and worse in the countries of the South and in insular states whose very existence is in jeopardy,” he said.

The Sovereign noted that that during its tenure, Morocco shall “devote its efforts, as part of its presidency of the COP22, to unify education on environmental issues in order to preserve the future of mankind.”

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