La Audiencia Nacional Called to Arrest Front Polisario Chief for Crimes against Humanity

By on November 15, 2016

The Judge at National Court of Spain , José de la Mata has ordered on Saturday an investigation on the general secretary of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, accused for genocide, torture and disappearances committed against the Saharawi refugee population in Tindouf, Algeria,.

Accusations addressed against Ghali  responds to the complaint for crimes of genocide, murder, torture and disappearances that the de la Mata court admitted in November 2012 and was brought by the Asadedh association and three victims against 28 members of the Polisario Front and Senior officials of the Algerian government.

Since then, the case has been closed on two occasions because of the impossibility of locating the defendants, but now De la Mata has been able to cite Ghali who publically expressed intention to visit Spain from 17 to 19 November at a Conference in Barcelona.

The international league for Moroccan expatriates’ freedom and rights has drawn the attention of Spanish legal authorities specialized in crime against humanity cases on the need to arrest the Front Polisario Chief Brahim Ghali who may visit Spain very soon though he has been sued in Spanish courts for crime against humanity.

The league’s legal experts have reportedly sent correspondences to Spanish political leaders and legal authorities that Ghali has been named in crime against humanity cases involving several victims among whom Spanish citizens.

The leader of the separatist movement is expected to attend a conference in the Catalonia region, the league reminded Spanish authorities.

In September, the association of victims of the Polisario Front, who suffered from torture practices and human rights abuses in Tindouf camp, in Algeria, called on Canary Islands authorities to help justice prevail and bring members of the separatist movement wandering in the archipelago to the book.

Ghali has been cited in a group of 29 members of the separatist movement accused by their victims of genocide, torture and serious human rights abuses committed in the camp.

A statement by the league also urged all the related institutions to take action so that the former representative of the Front in Spain is arrested and tried also for war crimes.

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