Official reception ceremony for the King Mohammed in Addis Ababa

By on November 19, 2016

The Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mr. Haile Mariam Dessalegn, has reserved an official reception in honor of His special guest the King of Morocco Mohammed VI, Saturday, at the National Palace in Addis Ababa.

Upon his arrival at the National Palace, the Sovereign was greeted by  Hailé Mariam Dessalegn. The King Mohammed VI and the Ethiopian Prime Minister subsequently won the tribune of honor to greet the national colors to the sound of the national anthems of the two countries.

The King subsequently reviewed a detachment of the Guard of Honor.

The official delegation accompanying The King is composed in particular of the Counselors of the King, MM. Fouad Ali El Himma and Yasser Zenagui, Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mohamed Boussaïd, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Aziz Akhannouch, and Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Nasser Bourita, as well as several other civilian and military figures.

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