DRC/ AFRICOM: The reform of the army

By on March 5, 2010

The reform of the defense sector was raised Wednesday during an audience granted by the Vice-Minister of Defense Masamba Mantemo Oscar with the U.S Africa Command, led by Colonel Ellington. The latter has informed the press that the delegation is part of the five monitoring committees established after the visit to DRC of Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State in order to determine ways and means of realizing the promises made by the U.S. government.
Colonel Ellington who welcomed the availability of the Congolese side, said that his delegation will hold talks with various actors involved in reforming the security sector and the Defense sector . The U.S. delegation also includes MM. Thomas Pope of USAID and Lehoy Colemon, American diplomat in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Last year, on October, The Permanent Framework of Congolese Women’s Cooperation (CAFCO) submitted proposals concerning Institutional reform -particularly army reform- as an integral part of a transitional justice process that the DRC must undergo to address its legacy of massive human rights abuse to promote lasting peace and the rule of law

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