Nouakchott/Dakar: To better control border flows

By on March 12, 2010

Mauritania and Senegal have agreed to strengthen security cooperation on their common border to better control migration flows, transnational crime and terrorism, declared Mister Abdoulaye Balde, Senegalese Minister of Defense after a visit to Nouakchott.
It is of common interest to improve this control all along the river Senegal where an intense movement of trade, between neighboring populations from the same families, is taking place; but also becoming a heavy transit point for illegal immigration from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe.

Today, the international community knows how deep this region is exposed, and experiencing the phenomenon of Islamist terrorism through the nebulous Al Qaida’s branch (AQIM), converted in a new business (Drug smuggling), using West Africa corridor, to enter drugs to Europe


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