Beyond Security matters

By on March 18, 2010
If the meeting is an opportunity to soften the inter-relations between the Sahara-Sahel countries, exchange information, experience and expertise of each country about terrorism and how to deal and counter it in the name  of bilateral or multilateral agreements; there are others files Algiers looks to when it mentioned all the sacrifices done to help neighboring countries, Mali and Niger.

Beyond terrorism considerations, Algiers wants to read with more visibility in the Malian and Nigerian policies towards Algeria, and how to influence and or monitor them. It is necessary, even mandatory for the Algerian vital-space to grow-up… and expand.
For example, as extracted from the Malian daily News Le Republicain: “Algiers’ expectations are to see the Malian borders open for its products to refuel Kidal, Timbuktu and Gao. Distribute tuitions, play mediators and even instigate in the irredentism that shakes the north of our country, and manage Mali as it manages its “Wilayas”

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