Rebellion in Mali: ATT Revelations

By on April 1, 2010
The President of the Republic, Amadou Toumani Touré made a flash back on the Touareg-arabian rebellion experienced by Mali during the 90s. The President revealed that the Touareg rebels and other Arabs had signed the National Pact because of consideration to the person of the president, but not by conviction.

They had even, according to ATT, said to go back to arms after his departure from power. ATT explained also, and thanks to his speech at the time on the “union” that the rebels have accepted to pause for a period of peace; and for those who didn’t know, it has never been the ATT idea to bring the two rebel entities to join the government, but rather the Democratic Movement who did. The story also holds that the belligerents have agreed to disarm under his leadership. He also stated that effectiveness and courage had to be imposed to have the national pact signed. The role fulfilled by Algiers was determinant…

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