Who can save the Ivory Coast?

By on April 12, 2010
All political arrangements to get the country back on track did flop. The political agreement of Ouagadougou (APO), signed March 4, 2007 by Laurent Gbagbo and Guillaume Soro, moves as a “patient on crutches” … And yet, this “Treaty”, Laurent Gbagbo had presented it as the “Best medication” to cure the country.  But today “We are all wrong about the crisis in Ivory Coast” he said – The Head of State, the U.N, France, we were all wrong, and nothing has changed since 2002 until 2007. No progress has been done.And then we started thinking and we reached the Ouagadougou political agreement”.

A compromise that appears today as a “swindle”, not only for the two signatories who are no longer able to coordinate their views, but also for the Ivoirians who do not know to what destination Gbagbo and Soro are heading them.
The Ivory Coast is held hostage through personal ambitions, mainly those of MM. Laurent Gbagbo, Alassane Ouattara, Henri Konan Bedié and Guillaume Soro. The first 3 only listen to their own logic and burning desire to have the presidential Chair; unfortunately no negotiation for peace and stability could be reached without them.
These actors have traveled thousands of miles to fetch “facilitators” to resolve this crisis. People, as Blaise Compaoré, President Thabo Mbeki and others are full of good intentions and good will; but what can they do against an ocean of bad faith and lack of true patriotism?
Let us recall that Laurent Gbagbo had said in his speech of May 29, 2009: “I always tell all my colleagues and to all Ivoirians, let’s make our plans out of the crisis first with what we have. The world will not leave us alone… and that is the whole difference between the intentions (declarations) and the acts…

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