DRC: A Failed Decentralisation

By on April 15, 2010

The big topic of the day in Congo is the authority willingness to amend the 2006 Constitution on essential points such as decentralization – a major topic of political interest since the Congolese independence.

In 2006, decentralisation was seen as a guarantee of democratisation where any citizen could participate in the management of the country. Unfortunately, no progress has been noticed. It has been also observed that the President Joseph Kabila is gradually recovering all the power, supposedly to be shared between the executive and legislative as provided by the Constitution. The departure of former President of the Assembly Vital Kamerhe, in March 2009, gives the impression that virtually the country is entering a new presidential system. The head of state has appointed as Prime Minister Mr. Gizenga, then Mr.  Muzito, who were considered as representative images -Both are from the west, while the President is from the east- rather than true and confirmed managers.

It seems like “Decentralisation” and as provided by the “Constitution” doesn’t fit with the President Joseph Kabila’s power management and aspirations…

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