New York/Kinshasa: Controversy – MONUC refuses to leave

By on April 16, 2010

The head of MONUC, Alan Doss has submitted its report to the Security Council, which is summarized in these words: “No way to get away» but rather a “responsible withdrawal”. In other words, the UN and MONUC won’t withdrawal until the mission is accomplished.
Alain Doss expressed in his report “the need to empower the Congolese national institutions and strengthen them for being able to take over the responsibilities currently performed by MONUC”. The report comes as the DRC authorities clearly request the withdrawal of this mission, established in the country for over ten years.
The DRC and MONUC do not speak the same language anymore, and such context is adding more fears that the discussions, taking place on 17 and 18 April 2010, with the U.N Security Council delegation in Kinshasa might be contentious.
The UN is not yet satisfied with the way national institutions are working in the DRC. This is to say that the independence of the institutions and the separation of powers should and have to be accomplished in a way to be reliable and trustful.
While from the Congolese side, the politicians wonder what still MONUC could do more? They could not stop the deplored 5 million deaths of people, or the systematic looting of Congolese resources, and the lack of a well structured army is still a sad reality.   They(politicians) are surprised at the MONUC unwillingness to leave, adding that wherever they have gone, from Bosnia-Herzegovina, to Rwanda, to Somalia, and Angola, the peace missions have always ended in failure, or mitigated results. They do believe that the MONUC withdrawal will make the Congolese authorities more accountable…

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