First Nuclear Summit: According to Barack Obama

By on April 16, 2010

“The Osama bin Laden terrorist group is trying to obtain nuclear weapons and is ready to use it”. But experts remain cautious about the likelihood of such attack.

The U.S. Secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, announced that a million of people could be killed in case of a nuclear bomb explosion in Times Square in the heart of New York. A nightmare scenario discussed on last Friday at the dawn of the nuclear security summit held in Washington.

On Monday, President Barack Obama has hammered that “organisations like Al Qaeda are trying to obtain a nuclear weapon; a weapon of mass destruction they have no qualms about using”

Is it a simple announcement effect or a real threat? Difficult to separate things as information on the subject are issued in dribs and drabs. But caution remains the watchword. “In this field, zero risk does not exist” and Al-Qaeda “has never been stopped by any political or humanistic considerations”. Hence the objective of the Washington summit, the first international meeting dedicated to the prevention of nuclear terrorism.

All means are also good to meet this goal: “all options”, including military and nuclear, are on the table regarding Iran and North Korea because those countries do not respect the non-proliferation nuclear treaty” have stated the U.S Defense Secretary, Robert Gates.

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