Nigeria: The opposition calls for the president departure

By on April 20, 2010
The main Nigerian opposition party “Action Congress” (AC), insisted Sunday that President Umaru Yar’Adua, who is treating a heart disease for five months, should be removed.
In a statement released in Lagos, the party said it was clear that “if the Constitution were applied literally, the Executive Council of the Federation (EXCOF) would not wait another day to start the process of declaring the inability of the President on the basis of “his long illness, the uncertainty of his return to power and the need to run the country”.

Although the acting President, Goodluck Jonathan, is appointed by law, it is feared that the continued presence of the ailing Head of State at the presidency could prevent Mr. Jonathan to fully exercise his executive powers.
This concern has prompted growing calls in the dismissal of Mr Yar’Adua, while supporters believe it would be immoral to impeach an ailing president. “Those who try to appeal on our emotions, and support that the president should remain in office must assume their responsibilities, whether they want to be governed by law or their emotions!
The opposition party noted that “those who drafted the Constitution had considered the assumption in which Nigeria has been since November 2009 and by putting the article 144 in this Constitution…

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