Niger: New Kidnapping in the Sahel

By on April 26, 2010
The Niger government has confirmed in a statement the kidnapping of two foreigners, one French citizen and one Algerian, by an “armed group” in the border region of Mali and Algeria to the west of the town of Arlit. According to corroborating sources, the French would be a tourist with an Algerian driver, who was sightseeing in the desert region.

According to security sources in Niger, the group claims its appurtenance to Al-Qaeda. It would be headed by Abdoulkrim Taleb, whose men had hitherto never made any hostage. The kidnapping of tourists are common in the vast desert area straddling the Niger, Mali and Algeria, and where Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) operates and claims its authority. Four European tourists (two Swiss, one German and one British) had been kidnapped in the Niger region of Tillaberi near Mali, in January 2009. Following the kidnappings, the Malian troops were “placed in a maximum alert state” to prevent the kidnappers from entering the territory, but in vain…

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