Nigeria: Yar’Adua’s replacement is an illegality

By on May 3, 2010
Nigeria is on the verge of disintegration, and that only a ‘civilian coup’ will fix things again, Dr. Nkwo Nnabuchi, former member of the National Assembly, have said; As Nigerians continue to watch the unfolding drama in the power play.

The Senate went beyond bounds to declare Goodluck Jonathan Acting President. We are running a presidential system; the President is the Head of State and head of government.  The question is who is in control? Is it President Umaru Yar’Adua or the Vice President who is now acting that is in control? The Senate erred in law. “If we were running a parliamentary system, then it is possible to say Jonathan is Prime Minister and Yar’Adua is President. But that is not the case here. I see the National Assembly as one that has through corrupt means acquiesced to overthrow Yar’Adua”, Nnabuchi said.
Let us go back to the state of the nation. It was reported recently that there is anxiety over Yar’Adua’s alleged recovery. Should that be true, where does Jonathan belong in the power equation? You see, that is why I still say the Senate is the cause of the confusion in Nigeria. If for any reason, his health improves and he comes to address the nation, what will Nigerians do? And if he addresses the nation saying that he does not accept the cabinet of Jonathan, what have we done? Since the man is still alive, there is possibility that his health may have improved and that is why what is going on now is an illegality. Dr. Nkwo Nnabuchi said.

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