Niger: a new electoral code proposed to the junta

By on May 24, 2010
The text adopted by the Council was elaborated by a Committee from the fundamental texts, referring to the code of 2004 and to which «25 major innovations ” were brought.

Among the main new articles, you find and for the first time the age obligation made for the presidential elections. Any candidate must be   between 35 and 70 years old. The candidate for the presidential elections has to be a holder of a high school diploma, plus three years of higher education, and be able to settle a pledge of 15000 Euros. The President’s term is maintained in five years and renewable only once.
Contrary to the other legislatures, the next Parliament should consist of only «a quarter of illiterates “, the rest of the elected representatives must be holders of the Certificate of Secondary Education level.
The new proposed code makes obligation to all members of the Next Independent National Electoral Committee (CENI) to be sworn in on the holy book of their confession. This requirement had urged the autonomous Labour union of the magistrates of Niger to boycott this structure during the ballots organized since 1999.
The proposed text mentions clearly the ban made for the junta members, for those of the government and for the security and defense members to be candidate or participate at the future ballots.

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