Mauritania: death penalty against «Al Qaeda soldiers»

By on May 25, 2010
The death penalty was required, on Monday, May 24th, against three young Moresques affiliated to Al-Qaeda, judged by the criminal court of Nouakchott for the murder of four French tourists, at the end of 2007, in the South of the country.

The public prosecutor’s department so asked that the capital punishment to be imposed on three main defendants, namely , Sidi Ould Sidna, age 22, Maarouf Ould Haiba, age 28, and Mohamed Ould Chabarnou, age 29. These young men are accused of having fired at five French people on December 24th, 2007, east of the city of Aleg, in the southeast of the capital, killing four of them and hurting seriously the fifth.
In the opening of the trial, on Sunday, they had appeared as «Al-Qaeda soldiers» and had recognised to have been trained in camps of the organisation. But they had denied being the murderers of the French people. The Court had judged twelve people of Mauritanian nationality, involved in this affair.

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