Somalia: offensive of the Islamist insurgents in Mogadishu

By on May 25, 2010
As the Somalian president and the international community bend over the future of Somalia in Istanbul, in Turkey, the Islamist radicals of the shebab militia had interplead the international opinion that the power is still fragile. An offensive takes place while the representatives of 55 countries gathered in Istanbul to express their support for the Somali federal government of transition and called up to the intensification of it security and defense structures.

Shebab and their allies of the Hizbul al-Islam militia control all the north part of Mogadishu, whereas the loyal forces supporters control the South in particular the port and the airport.
The frontline passes a few kilometers away from the “Villa Somalia”, the siege of the presidential power. The peacekeeping forces of the African Union in Somalia (AMISOM) which stayed away from the confrontations of May 22nd, seems to have been resolved to go into action, when shebab rebels progressed towards the “Villa Somalia”. Since last May, AMISOM, which has in particular powerful artillery, does not any more hesitate to participate in the fights to protect the government of transition. Heavy weapons and arms shootings have made between fifteen and twenty dead, and hundreds of people have fled the exposed districts.

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