Guinea Conakry: June 27, Election Day, But some fears show up…

By on May 26, 2010
The leader of the junta wants elections as soon as possible, so does the international community. However, some rumors talk already about an adjournment, for “technical reasons”, of one or two weeks would be possible. But all the political class has focused on the date of June 27th. The candidates did not moreover wait for the official opening of the campaign – May 17th – to begin hunting the voters.

However, the president of the National Council of transition, Rabiatou Serah Diallo threatens to resign in case of adjournment of the ballot. She indeed suspected the Prime Minister, Jean-Marie Doré, of not being pressed to leave. He was favorable to the adoption of the Constitution by referendum, what, for Rabiatou Serah Diallo, meant a waste of time, highly threatening the tenure of the presidential ballot.
Another fear, It will be necessary to solve the problem of the pending security issue relative to the expected implementation of the 16 000 elements of gendarmes and policemen under a unified command to protect polling stations and forward the electoral documents. And the last but not the least is the Dadis Camara case, which is also pending. “If the loyal forces are not any more in the streets, those who support him are always lying in and wait “, an NGO responsible said.

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