Guinea Conakry: The U.S law applied on Ousmane Conté

By on June 3, 2010
President Barack Obama stated that Ousmane Conté is a «baron of the drug “, opening the way to the seizure of its possessions in the United States, announced the White House.

In a letter sent to the Congress, Mr. Obama announced his decision to sanction Mr. Conté, former commanding officer of the Guinean Army, who was arrested in 2009 for drug-traffics by the junta in power after the death of his father Lansana Conté at the end of 2008. Ousmane Conté had recognised, in February, 2009, “to be involved in the drug trafficking, but had never been the godfather of any organisation. He stated. He remains detained in the civil prison of Conakry.
The American law of 1999 on the « drug barons» stipulate that the persons so appointed) by the president of the United States see «all their properties and interests under American jurisdiction, seized. For the last 10 years, 87 persons or legal entities were so punished.

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