Ivory Coast: The republican dialogue, talking to each other…

By on June 11, 2010
Having appropriated the advice “talk to each other at home but not somewhere else”, the natives of the Ivory Coast are getting closer to the right settlement, without intermediary, of the enduring crisis.

The trend is not yet to put in brackets Mr. Compaoré’s good offices, but everything aims to believe that only the Ivory Coast political class is capable of undoing the knots of the crisis, ravaging the country for eight years now.
Apparently the impasse is raised on the peace process which had been stuck with the lack of trust that had plumbed, since January 2010, all exits of the crisis.
“We owe this national surge to the facilitator’s failure”, underwent in March while it had been sought to settle “the Mambé’s affair”: a lack of trust connected to an “attempt of fraud” on the temporary electoral roll. The lesson learned since, by the protagonists of the Ivory Coast crisis, is to understand that they risk a lot to resort inconveniently to the only emergency exit: the facilitation.
The awareness was strengthened by “The Wade mediation” in April. As a consequence GBAGBO, Bédié, Ouattara and Soro are not travelling abroad to talk to each other, thanks to the honourable men, and to the wise advice.

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