RDC: the worst humanitarian crisis of the world

By on June 14, 2010
afraaThe United Nations Organisation denounces that Congo is confronted “with one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world”. “To work in RDC became a real challenge for the humanitarian workers because of safety reasons as of lack of financing “. Only 30 % of the 827 million dollars asked by the U.N, for its operations in the country, are at present financed.
The operations of the U.N “are really hampered by the fights and the crimes, affecting not only the civilians, but the humanitarian workers. 

The insecurity is particularly problematic in the regions of the Oriental Province, both Kivu as well as in the province of Ecuador. In the Oriental Province, since September, 2008, the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) “terrorises the population, attacks, plunders, burns villages, kidnaps the civilians in particular the children”.
The spokeswoman of the Office of Coordination of the Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Mrs. Elisabeth Byrs declared. THE U.N raised that since December 2007, the LRA had killed 1796 civilians, kidnapped 2377 persons among whom 807 children. “Certain number of persons was mutilated, as depriving them ears or lips”, specified the spokeswoman, worrying about an increase of exactions.
Between December 2009 and March 2010, the LRA killed 407 civilians and kidnapped) 302 persons among whom 125 children. In the two Kivu and the province of Maniema (East), the violations of human rights are also numerous. In 2009, “there were 8000 reported cases of rape, the majority of which were committed by armed people, among whom the LRA, one of the roughest guerrilla rebels to the world.

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