Rwanda: Kigali threatens to recall its troops from Sudan

By on September 2, 2010
By the voice of its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo, Kigali believes that if the UN accuses the Rwandan army of genocide, it “must be prepared to find another army to do what we do in Sudan”.

If ever the U.N comes to publish the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Kigali will remove, as quickly as possible, its peacekeeping detachment from the U.N forces. She also added: “We cannot blame our military to hunt down civilians on the basis of their ethnicity and ask this same army to be disciplined and be a moral force to protect civilians around the world “.
The Kigali pressure looks like a black mail and seemed to be very embarrassing for the United Nations, struggling to find troops for its many peacekeeping missions, and not really wishing to confront   the country that has made available and deployed 3550 troops to Darfur and the rest of Sudan.
But the report in question is very sensitive. According to the drafts, released by “Le Monde”, Rwanda is accused of war crimes and acts of genocide in the former Zaire, between 1996 and 1998, against the Rwandan Hutu refugees.
In a letter addressed, in early August, to the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs has stated that the report could destabilise the region; however for the Human Rights Watch activist, Reed Brody, believes that this report should serve as an argument to drive all the guilty persons to justice. He said if these large-scale massacres are not punished, then the region will be doomed to live further atrocities.

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