Egypt: El Baradei says to boycott the upcoming elections

By on September 9, 2010
The former IAEA chief Mohamed El Baradei, who became the most prominent opponent in Egypt,

called to boycott the upcoming elections and mentioned a use of “disobedience” if civil reforms that would allow him to stand for presidential elections are not adopted. “We will boycott the coming elections and any person involved will be against the national will”. He said he would pursue a signature campaign for “change” before moving on to “peaceful demonstrations” and then “step on civil disobedience” if the system will not accede to the requests for change. The coming months could be “Very decisive” in the political reforms. “The decision to go on a strike and occupy the streets if the regime fails to comply with the requests for change will mark the beginning of the end of its era”, EL Baradei said, but also voiced that there was no rush…

In April, he launched a field campaign to promote the political reform and democratisation start of the of President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, in power for 29 years. He said he was ready to run for the presidency, but cautioned that the Constitution be amended to allow such independent candidates, like himself, who face many restrictions, to register their candidacy. The Egyptian government has already indicated several times that he did not intend to conduct a constitutional review before the next elections.

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